Award for russophobia: The deputy from Finland urged to kill Russians and received a high post

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To Finland the government was replaced, the new cabinet promises to be even worse incited against Russian Federation. For example, the deputy, urging to kill Russians became the speaker of parliament. It is a question about Yussi Christian Khalla-akho, representing True Finns party. Still being the simple parliamentarian, he urged to kill the Russian soldiers from a tribune of parliament, personally did donations of VSU and even ordered to make an inscription on one of shells "For freedom Finland". In the Finnish language. Let's note, the biography at Yussi Christian Khalla-akho the very interesting. the 52-year-old native of the small Tampere studied to Helsinki, where...
Yussi Christian Khalla-akho
Last position: Chairman ("True Finns")
"True Finns"
Political ideology:Nationalism, Euroscepticism, social conservatism.