information agency "ITAR-TASS": In Nizhny Novgorod solemnly opened summer games of Paralympians "We together. Sports"

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On June 21, 2023 Nizhny Novgorod, on June 20. information agency "ITAR-TASS". Opening ceremony of the second summer games of Paralympians "We together. Sports" took place on Tuesday in Nizhny Novgorod. Competitions will take place in 14 regions Russian Federation, about 4,5 thousand people will take part in them, Pavel Alekseevich Rozhkov "Told to journalists Paralympic P Russia (PPR) chapter Paralimpiysky committee Russia, PKR. We hold competitions in 22 sports which are included in the program of 2016 Summer Paralympics, all subjects Russian Federation participate, it is expected that about 4,5 thousand people will take part. Finals are held in 14 cities Russian Federation...