Exhibition "The first meeting" opened in Pskov

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Exhibition students FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION RGPU NAMED AFTER A. I. GERTSENA, RGPU NAMED AFTER A. I. GERTSENA, GERTSENOVSKY UNIVERSITY Samoylenko Valeria "The first meeting" opened in the Central city library Pskov. periodical e-edition "Pskovskoe agentstvo informatsii" reported about it in establishment. 25 works are presented to expositions (portraits, still lifes, landscapes, painting and graphics). Opening this exhibition, librarians noted that Samoylenko Valeria was fostered by members of the Pskov art association "Pskovart". Besides, organizers emphasized that it is the first personal exhibition Samoylenko Valeria. "On an opening day the young Pskov artist at once...