The Athletic called 15 players of National Hockey League to whom overpay

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The Athletic made the list of 15 players of National Hockey League to whom pay more, than they deserve and whose contracts can redeem in the next inter-season period. Top-15: 1 . Olofsson Victor ", Buffalo Seybrz"; 2 . Bailey Dzhosh, Hockey club "Nyu-York Aylenders"; 3 . Hoffman Mike, Hockey club "Monreal Kanadiyens"; 4 . Geoffrey Pitri, Hockey club "Pittsburg Pingvinz"; 5 . Ian Rutta, Hockey club "Pittsburg Pingvinz"; 6 . Gudrou's Barkley, Hockey club "New York Reyndzhers"; 7 . Taylor Hall, Hockey club "Boston Bryuinz"; 8 . Anthony Bovillye, "Hockey club "Vankuver Kenaks‎""; 9 . Blake Uiler ", Hockey club "Vinnipeg Dzhets‎""; 10 . Nikita Leddi, Hockey club "Sent-Luis Blyuz"; 11 . Kevin Patrick Kheyz, Hockey club "Filadelfiya Flayerz"; 12 . Mayers Tyler ", Vancouver...
Geoffrey Pitri
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Monreal Kanadiyens")
Anthony Deanzhelo
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Karolina Kharrikeynz")