"AliExpress Russia" became the only thing marketpleysy with the decreased number of sellers

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On marketpleyse "AliExpress Russia" outflow of local sellers is recorded, since the beginning of year on May their number decreased by 27%. About it reported newspaper "Kommersant" with reference to data of the Point <12> Marketpleysy service. At the same time the number of sellers on other platforms considerably grew. In particular, at "Sbermegamarket" the number of seller increased by 120%, at LLC "INTERNET RESHENIYA" – for 92%, at Yandeks.Market – for 89%, at LLC "Vayldberriz" – for 36%. On the average total number of sellers on marketpleysakh grew by 51% since the beginning of 2023. As noted SEO of the Point <12> Marketpleysy service Kanivets Konstantin, decrease in sellers on...