The chief of Managements carried out a personal reception of citizens at the request of President of the Russian Federation in a reception of President of the Russian Federation to Pskov Region

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Today, on June 15, 2023, the chief of ESTABLISHMENT YUSTITSII PO GOSUDARSTVENNOY REGISTRATSII PRAV NA NEDVIZHIMOE IMUSHCHESTVO I SDELOK S NIM NA TERRITORII PSKOV OBLAST Nicholas Lvovich Okolesnov carried out a personal reception of citizens at the request of President of the Russian Federation in a reception of President of the Russian Federation to Pskov Region. The management of Managements Administration office ministry justices Russian Federation on Pskov region in a reception of President of the Russian Federation in Pskov Region it is possible to study the schedule of a personal reception of citizens on the official site of Managements in the subsection "Personal Reception" of the section "Addresses of citizens...