Andrey Chervichenko: "In soccer it is full of the snags similar to Rafael de Souza Pereyra"

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The functionary spoke possible return of the Brazilian to RPL. The ex-president of "Spartak" Andrey Chervichenko told Legalbet, than the Brazilian halfback Rafael de Souza Pereyra when played for the Moscow team was remembered. On June 14 in agency Santanna Esportes which Football club "Tigres de la Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo-Leon" represents interests of the halfback, returns of the 33-year-old midfielder to Russian Federation did not exclude. "Nothing remembered this person. It seems to me that it is the next throw that was about what to talk. What to it championship Russian Federation? Rafael de Souza Pereyra here itself did not find and in any way did not recommend. Perhaps the Russian money missed or...