Children from school camp "Solnyshko" of Uvalsky SOSh visited excursion in police department

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Within OPM "Protection" in INTERMUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT MINISTRY ВНУТРЕННИХ ДЕЛ OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION "MAZANOVSKY" (REALIZING TASKS AND FUNCTIONS OF LAW-ENFORCEMENT BODIES IN TERRITORY OF MAZANOVSKY AND SELEMDZHINSKY MUNICIPAL AREAS) excursions for children from summer recreation school camp "Solnyshko" of Municipal state-financed educational institution Uvalskaya secondary comprehensive school took place. On an entrance to intermunicipal department guests were welcomed by the operations duty officer who told about the work, explained rules of behavior at stay on a sensitive site. Children accompanied by inspectors on affairs of minors passed through building polices, communicated to the staff of various divisions of department. In the assembly hall with children led discussions by rules of safe behavior during the summer period, to rules of traffic...