In Novokuznetsk in anticipation of celebration of Day of Russia employees Investigation department on of the Kemerovo district on transport East interregional DAYS of SK Russian Federation conducted for school students thematic lessons

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In anticipation of celebration of Day of Russia investigators Investigation department on of the Kemerovo district on transport East interregional Russian Federation addressed as DAYS of SK pupils of the senior classes MBOU SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 9 of V. K. Demidovo in Novokuznetsk Kemerovo Region with lecture about a patriotism role in modern society. During conversation investigator on transport Sinitsin Maxime told Kemerovo investigative departments to children about their rights and duties, about value and a patriotism role in modern society, about spirituality and a unification of the Russian people, about feats of the fellow countrymen made in the period of Great...