The Ukrainian football player Yvan Nikolaevich Ordets told about reaction of friends to contract with "Dynamo" in 2022

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The Ukrainian defender of Moscow "Dynamo" Yvan Nikolaevich Ordets told about reaction of his friends and environments that he did not leave the Russian club in February, 2022 right after SVO beginning. "Yes, of course, there are those who ceased to communicate with us. Probably, it was my mistake that I or early counted them as friends, or did not live any course of life, there was no experience in the relations with each other. There are those who communicates with us still, and our friendship only became stronger" — Yvan Nikolaevich Ordets in interview to video hosting services "YouTube" told THE GAME. Yvan Nikolaevich Ordets passed into "Dynamo" in July, 2019, in a season-2021/22 he hammered one ball in...
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