The journalist did not like "a hot-dog stand a party" Kili Jeff. Summer Game Fest reproached with absence of women on a scene

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The journalist of Internet-izdaniye The Verge reproached Kili Jeff with absence of ladies on a scene of the opening ceremony of Summer Game Fest. In two hours one men chatted with Kili Jeff: Sam Leyk, Bun ed, the loud uncle from Marvel's Snap (the coolest Broud Ben), Nikolas Kim Koppola and other companions. Ash Parrish very much it was not pleasant: "For the industry which fights against a variety, would be a mistake not to consider women that also do games". The author of article noted that at Kili Jeff was many opportunities to invite ladies to a scene. For example, Immortals of Aveum plays Dzhina Torres, a star of "Glowworm". In Alan Wake 2 too there is a lady. In...