Exhibition "To live in peace and friendship! " in honor of the 110 anniversary of the Russian animation works for JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VDNKH"

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Winnie-the-Pooh, the Cheburashka, the Wolf and the Hare, Umka, Kotenok Gav - these heroes we remember since the childhood. But hardly anyone knows about Lyukanida and the knights-rogachakh who were at war with men with a big mustache in the movie of 1912. And meanwhile, Disney Uolt considered that the Russian director Starevich Wladyslaw overtook animators of the world for decades.... On one end of exhibitions "To live in peace and friendship! " on the black-and-white screen bark beetles duel for beautiful Lyukanida, and on other - under electronic music multi-colored heroes of "Fantastic patrol" loved by modern three-year-olds rush. And between them the Wolf hunts for the Hare, the Cheburashka builds the house, Kot...
Disney Uolt
Starevich Wladyslaw
Petrova Alexandra
Main activity:Culture and sports