Source: Ignatov Mikhail can be disqualified for a period of up to 6 months

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The halfback of "Spartak" Ignatov Mikhail can receive disqualification for a period of up to 6 months, tells Telegram "to Mutko against". According to a source, the agent Manyakov Alexander demands to disqualify the 23-year-old player. In 2020 they signed the agency contract, but a year later Ignatov Mikhail decided to terminate contract with the agent, and that demanded from the football player 9,5 million rubles. Manyakov Alexander addressed in chamber on settlement of disputes FUR and lost the first case, but then the committee on the status of football players supported the agent. It is informed that after that Ignatov Mikhail went to Mytishchinsky district court of Moscow region and proved...