What the general at the fantastic old woman Tatyana Pelttser and ominous Freddie Kruger?

@Telekanal Tsar'grad
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What there can be the general at the fantastic old woman, the Soviet actress Tatyana Pelttser, and the American Robert Barton Inglund, ominous Freddie Kruger who has played a role? Calendar dates quite often bring together together people, characters and which destinies, apparently, have nothing in common. For example, a star of Hollywood Alfredo James Pachino and the remarkable Russian actor Mikhail Ivanovich Kononov (Petrovich Nestor from "Big change") at all were born in one day, and what different destinies. There are at all phantasmagoric plots. In one day, on June 6, two actors who have become an embodiment of absolutely opposite spectator were born...