In area number unoccupied and jobless] decrease

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Number unoccupied to Saratov Region decreased in a year with 11,1 to 8,7 thousand people, the unemployed - with 7,8 to 6 thousand. The latest data of Federal State Statistics Service are that. The region takes the seventh place to Volga Federal District on level of participation in labor and employment: for January-April, 2023 these indicators made 60 (the leader - Nizhny Novgorod Region - 65,8, the outsider - Mari El Republic - 58,6) and 58% respectively. On unemployment rate - 3,3% - the area divides in the district of the third or fourth place. The highest value - 3,5% - is registered to Mari El Republic, Kirov Region and Ulyanovsk Region; the smallest - 2,1 - to Samara Region...