Members of the Public supervisory commission visited minor offenders in SIZO-1 and SIZO-2

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On June 1 minor suspects and accused which are in a pre-trial detention center No. 1 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE FEDERAL PENITENTIARY SERVICE ON KOMI REPUBLIC, were visited by members of the regional Public supervisory commission Apraksin Victor and Yakob Jeanne. Visit took place within International Children's Day. Accompanied by the head of department of educational work with the suspects accused and condemned SIZO-1 Velem Roman and the senior inspector of group on observance of human rights in criminal and executive system of ADMINISTRATION OFFICE FEDERAL PENITENTIARY SERVICE ON KOMI REPUBLIC of Blinova Larissa representatives of the public passed on...
Ludnikov Nicholas
Mezentseva Alexander
Meliksetyan Gagik
Yakob Jeanne
Apraksin Victor