Winners of "The governor's diary"] could try out as journalist

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For excellent students from areas Pskov Region organized excursion in Media Center 60 publishing house. School students could hold press conference in the media center periodical e-edition "Pskovskoe agentstvo informatsii" and visit premises of media holding within the stock "Governor's Diary", the correspondent reports periodical e-edition "Pskovskoe agentstvo informatsii". The partner of an action, the director of the Pskov branch JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSIYSKY SELSKOKHOZYAYSTVENNY BANK" Dmitry Alemasov greeted participants of action. "It is pleasant to see all of you! The tenth year hold this action. It is remarkable that nine children could make the impossible! " — he told. Dmitry Alemasov emphasized that school students earned "the incredible...