Under the chairmanship of the acting as the prosecutor of Republic of Adygea Beretar Aslan the working meeting with representatives of business community] is hel

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In work of action businessmen, UPOLNOMOCHENNY PO ZASHCHITE PRAV PREDPRINIMATELEY V RESPUBLIKE ADYGEYA Wladyslaw Guchevich Zafesov, the chairman of committee State Council of the Republic of Adygea by the legislation, legality and questions of local government Alexander Pavlovich Loboda, the acting the chief of managements economic security and counteractions corruptions Ministry internal affairs on Republic of Adygea Kubashichev Murat, employees of bodies of prosecutor's offices. Discussion of questions regarding protection of the rights of managing subjects in the field of intellectual properties became the purpose of a meeting. Acted Wladyslaw Guchevich Zafesov, Kubashichev Murat...