The expert of Digital Foundry derided design of a portativka of Sony Project Q. It compared it to the imagination of the sixth-grader

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Digital Foundryvyrazila surprise by the announcement of Project Q, the portable console for owners of PlayStation 5. Experts called into question stable work of remote translation of games, and also derided design of the device. The expert of DF Linneman John compared the console to a hand-made article of the sixth-grader. "I look at it and I think that it that the sixth-grader would make. Such type: "The dude, and che if here to the controler of PlayStation to attach the screen? ! " And he such starts in bloknotike drawing" — Linneman John laughs. The expert wistfully thought of times when production of PlayStation was elegant. For example, during Ken's era...
Ken Kutaragi
Last position: Director (Rakuten)
Linneman John
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PlayStation 5
Manufactured by:SIE
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