"United Russia" Party discovered in the cities and villages Altai Territory 25 more School desks of the Hero

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Educational institutions in Barnaul, Biysk, Rubtsovsk, Novoaltaysk, Pospeliha district, Novichiha district, Pavlovsky rayon and Charyshskoe district became participants of a patriotic action. At the Rubtsovsk school No. 19 immortalized memory of the veteran, the school military instructor Zryachikh Anatoly. It passed all war, took part in defense Moscow in 1941, as a part of the 563rd mortar artillery regiment freed the cities Soviet Union. Finished war on May 9, 1945 in the Austrian Graz. In honor of the veteran of war in Afghanistan, the military pilot Tselinkov Victor opened the School desk of the Hero in Novoaltaysk lyceum...