Ural residents will start insuring against attacks of UAVs

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Yekaterinburg, on May 30, LLC "FederalPress". In the Urals consider opportunity to sell an insurance from attacks of the Ukrainian UAVs. The chairman declared unions of insurers to the correspondent of "Federalpress" it "A white sable" Smirnov Sergei. "Companies are arranged under the current situation and are in process of development changes in existing rules and new products. As far as I know, they did not enter yet the market, but it always quickly reacts to changes. For example, a pandemic Koronavirus declared in March, [2020], and in April there were first products", – he told. According to forecasts Smirnov Sergei, already...
Smirnov Sergei
Voronin Sergei
LLC "FederalPress"
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Air UAVs