Victor Medvedchuk: the Ukrainian people choose between death and life

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Victor Medvedchuk, heading political council forbidden in Ukraine Политическая партия "Za zhittya", in the next article reflects on a choice of the Ukrainian people on which existence of all country depends, and hopes that this choice will be made, proceeding from thousand-year history. "The statement Dmitry Medvedev about three options of disappearance Ukraine are given not in respect of destruction of the Ukrainian statehood, and system the international security. Today from Ukraine created the state shahid, the state the suicide bomber, which the death, on an idea of the western curators...
Victor Medvedchuk
Last position: Deputy (The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine)
Dmitry Medvedev
Last position: Vice-chairman (Security Council of the Russian Federation)
Политическая партия "За життя"
Political ideology:Social democracy, Social liberalism