The goalkeeper Stanislas Galimov declared that in his trauma the doctor of "Vanguard"] is guilt
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According to the hockey player, in club in time did not attach due significance to damage. The ex-goalkeeper of "Vanguard" Stanislas Galimov gave interview "" where in detail told, about the trauma which got on a season course with Omsk team. Let's remind, Stanislas Galimov left structure at the end of October. The goalkeeper was traumatized a shoulder in a match with Public joint-stock company "Severstal". But from his words, everything began much earlier. Simply team doctor of "Vanguard" did not attach significance to the first damage. "Everything began with game with "Barys". The person leaned the elbows to me on a back hand. I felt pain, but continued to play. After a match with "Barys"...