Olga Medvedtseva headed the Union of biathlonists Krasnoyarsk Territory

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The double Olympic champion, the sixfold world champion on biatlonuolga Olga Medvedtseva is elected the head of the Union of biathlonists Krasnoyarsk Territory. Delegates of elective conference voted for it unanimously, reports LLC FEDERAL BANK "SOYUZ BIATLONISTOV RUSSIA"(SBR) (SBR). 47-year-old Olga Medvedtseva already long time is the member of Executive committee of SBR. The sportswoman declared completion of professional career on March 28, 2010, at the age of 34 years. In the career Olga Medvedtseva also 10 times won victories at the World Cup stages, and in a season-2003/2004 finished year on the second line of the overall ranking of KM. Olga Medvedtseva also...
Olga Medvedtseva
Last position: Chairman of public council (MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF THE KRASNOYARSK TERRITORY)