The Navy orchestra a concert congratulated on anniversaries of seamen of the Black Sea, Baltic and Northern fleet

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In Saint Petersburg in concert hall Mariinsky theater took place performance of the Central concert model orchestra of Navy of Russia N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov's name, devoted to the 240 anniversary Black Sea, to the 320 anniversary Baltic and to the 290 anniversary Northern fleet. Veterans of Navy, officers of the Main command and Navy staff, listeners and cadets of the Navy Military educational scientific center were invited to a concert Naval academy and its branches. The concert program included the best samples of wind music of great composers Handel Georg...
Alexandra Pakhmutova
Last position: Composer
Shkirtil Camille
Kiselev Ilya
Gayanov Marat
Listov Konstantin
Mariinsk city theater
Main activity:Culture and sports
Naval academy