To the man with the poster "When there will be a gas? " answered at a meeting with the governor in Aniva

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Today, on May 23, at a meeting of the governor Valery Limarenko with inhabitants Aniva district there was a man who held in hand the poster with an inscription: "When there will be a gas? ". Its question was answered the acting as the Minister of Energy by Sakhalin Region, the mayor Aniva and the head of the region. "Zarechnaya street and Tractor, Aniva. About 45 houses without gas. All this lasts since 2009. There is a wish to learn when we will already be connected to gas. Earlier to us promised that everything happens in 2021, but occurred nothing. Then to us promised that the edge will be made by all in 2023. Passed already half a year, and we without gas" —...