In the Russian Academy of Sciences urged "not to aspire to excesses" for the sake of delay of global warming

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Energy overconsumption, and also purchase excess clothes negatively affect an ecological situation. It is necessary "to get used to save". Such recommendations on air radio station "Govorit Moskva" the deputy director gave Institutes physics of the atmosphere of A.M. Obukhov to the Russian Academy of Sciences Semenov Vladimir. "Certainly, emissions depend on number of the population. But in the last turn it is necessary to think of number of the population, it all the same what to forbid to go to cars to interfere with accident rate on roads. We need to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases which depend not so much on number of the population, and on technologies...
Alexander Ivanovich Klimenko
Main activity:Official
Semenov Vladimir
Shevchenko Svetlana