In design office of InnoStart passed a forsayt-seminar of the known Russian publicist

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The international design office of InnoStart organized for employees and students SPBGEU, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SPBGEU" a forsayt-seminar of the known Russian publicist, the historian, the predictor Sergei Borisovich Pereslegin on a subject "Phase transition in economy. What for us waits and that can be wanted? ". At a seminar questions of a current state of economy and possible scenarios of development situations were considered. Cooperation with Sergei Borisovich Pereslegin will proceed, we invite everyone to participation in work of forsayt-seminars concerning modern economy and developments. Reference: Sergei Borisovich Pereslegin — the Russian literary critic and...
Sergei Borisovich Pereslegin
Main activity:Cultural worker
Liddel B.
Galaktionov M.
Sherman F.
Main activity:Science and education