The cult program "Very Much Karaochen" comes back to MUZ TV with new vedushchimzepyur Brutyan admitted deception of fans after the delivery In chains: Megan Deniz Foks Alexander's 61-year-old wife Malinin participated in a hot photoshoot...

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The cult teleproject comes back to air of MUZ TV, fallen in love to million audience Since May 20 the cult teleproject comes back to air of MUZ TV, fallen in love to million audience, "Very much karaochen" with the new leader, the popular performer – Kacher Artem. It with the drive will give a ride celebrities in a musical karaoke car where stars not only will sing hits alive with what still nobody heard them, but also will share exclusive details of the private life. Kacher Artem: "It was very unexpected offer from MUZ TV which became for me absolutely new experience. My main activity –...