On May 15 – the International day of patients with mukopolisakharidozy (Ministry of Railways)

@Tsentr Ilizarova
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In the world lives about 1,5 thousand patients with such disease as mukopolisakharidoz, and about 200 of them live to Russian Federation. MUKOPOLISAHARIDOZ (Ministry of Railways) — belongs to group of metabolic diseases of the connecting fabric connected with violation of an exchange sour glikozaminoglikanov (GAG, mucopolysaccharides), insufficiency of lizosomny enzymes of an exchange glikozaminoglikanov. 7 types mukopolisakharidoza are known. NMITs of a name of the academician Ilizarov G. A. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation – the reference center in the sphere of treatment of orthopedic complications at patients with mukopolisakharidozy. Among the most widespread...