Soccer. Championship Kazakhstan ". The Caspian Sea" thanks to a goal Podstrelov Dimitri and to a "dry" match Plotnikov Maxime won against "Aksa"

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The "Caspian Sea" on a visit won against "Aksa" a match of the 9th round of the championship Kazakhstan which caused a stir on the 17th minute. Gate of "Caspian Sea" throughout all game were protected by Plotnikov Maxime. The defender Aleksey Ivanovich Zalesky remained in a stock. At lost from whistle to a whistle the halfback Zemko Eugenie won back. The goalkeeper Gutor Alexander watched a duel from a bench. "Aksu" — the "Caspian Sea" — 0:1 Goal: 0:1 — Podstrelov Dimitri (17)...
Podstrelov Dimitri
Plotnikov Maxime
Zemko Eugenie
Gutor Alexander