Court to United States of America decided to send the Russian to prison for 20 years on the case of cybercrimes

@360° Podmoskov'e
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To the Russian Klyushina Vladislava to United States of America more than 20 years of prison on the case of Pxhere cybercrimes threaten the Russian Klyushina Vladislava more than 20 years of imprisonment on the case of cybercrimes can threaten. As expected, a sentence will pronounce on May 23. About it reported information agency "ITAR-TASS". The ambassador reported Russian Federation in Washington D.C. Anatoly Ivanovich Antonov after visit of the Russian in penal institution in Plymouth (State of Massachusetts). The diplomat noticed that the Russian is supported by a strong team of lawyers which challenges the requirement of prosecutors. "It is impossible to define today...
Anatoly Ivanovich Antonov
Last position: Plenipotentiary ambassador (Embassy Russian Federation in United States of America America)
Klyushina Vladislava