Adjudgement to the Russian Klyushin Wladyslaw to United States of America is expected on May 23

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The ambassador Russian Federation to United States of America Anatoly Ivanovich Antonov reported that accused of United States of America in cybercrimes Klyushin Wladyslaw did not go to the transaction with the authorities Kingston / the State of Massachusetts/, on May 12. information agency "ITAR-TASS". The sentence in the matter of the Russian Klyushin Wladyslaw , as expected, will be taken out to United States of America on May 23, more than 20 years of imprisonment can threaten it. The ambassador declared Russian Federation to United States of America Anatoly Ivanovich Antonov after visit of the citizen Russian Federation in penal institution in Plymouth in southeast part State of Massachusetts. Court jurors in Boston (State of Massachusetts) in February recognized Klyushin Wladyslaw guilty in...