The Mercury project of State oil company Azerbaidjan Türkiye is on the agenda - Mamedov Anar

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İzmir / Trend/-the Mercury Project of State oil company Azerbaidjan Türkiye is on the agenda. About it as soobshchayetTrend, the head of department of oil processing and petrochemistry of State oil company Azerbaidjan told on Friday on press conferences Türkiye, director general Petkim Petrokimya Holding A. S Mamedov Anar. According to him, bp with which implementation of this project was planned, refused investments in petrochemical sector and left the project. "We consider that we will be able to enable the realization of the Mercury project with other investors", - he told. Let's note that in 2018 of bp and State oil company Azerbaidjan Turkey signed the agreement on the beginning of cooperation (HoA) for an assessment...