A star of "A white lotus" Theodore Peter James Kinneyrd Taptiklis will play in the movie according to Stephen King from James Van

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A star of the second season of the satirical anthology "White Lotus" Theodore Peter James Kinneyrd Taptiklis joined a cast of the forthcoming screen version of the story of Stephen King the "Monkey", published in 1985 as a part of the collection "Team of Skeletons", writes Collider. James Van, known on work over a horror franchizes "Paternoster", "Saw" and "Astral" is engaged in producing of a picture. Who exactly will be played by Theodore Peter James Kinneyrd Taptiklis, at present it is not known. The plot of a tape will be devoted to two twin brothers Hal and Bill who find the toy monkey of the father, and soon after that face a train of the terrible...