Members of Representation of IPPO to United Arab Emirates took part in the solemn evening devoted to 9 May, Victory Day

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15:00 / On May 10, 2023 V action took part the ambassador Russian Federation to United Arab Emirates Timur Zabirov, the consul general in Dubai Oleg Fomin, and also diplomats Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Serbia, Syrie, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Acting before the gathered, Timur Zabirov told that on May 9 always was and remains in the special afternoon for each Russian family. "In 1945 it marked itself(himself) approach of the long-awaited world and release from intolerable nazi oppression and barbarous aggression, served as a reference point for new system of the international relations",-...