Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan expand cooperation in education

@Delovoj Kazahstan
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Photo: Gov in Tashkent took place on May 4-5 meeting of the joint Intergovernmental commission on bilateral cooperation between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, transfers DKNews.kz. In the first day of visit the meeting under the leadership of the Vice-minister of the highest educations and sciences of Kazakhstan Yergaliev K. A. and the First Deputy Minister of the highest educations, sciences and innovations Uzbekistan Karimov K. Kh. took place bilateral. One of questions of cooperation between two countries at a meeting was opening of branches of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS on a parity basis. Within visit on purpose...
Yergaliev K. A.
Karimov K. Kh.
Yergalieva K. A.
Main activity:Science and education