Arina Averina won three disciplines from the 4th at a stage of the Cup of the strongest

Show original The Russian gymnast Arina Averina won exercises with a hoop, a ball and maces at the first stage of the Cup of the strongest on rhythmic gymnastics. In exercises with a hoop Arina Averina gained 37,000 points. The Russian Borisova Maria (35,550 points), the third — the representative Uzbekistan Zoirov Maftun (33,300) became the second. With a ball Arina Averina gained 37,300 points. Silver award the Russian won Anastasia Guzenkova (35,050), bronze — her compatriot Popova Anna (34,400). In exercises with maces Arina Averina got 37,700 points. The second became Popova Anna (36,700), the third...