Fires to Sverdlovsk Region: the main thing by the morning on May 8

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Photo: Zhabrikov Vladimir © Russian information company "URA.Ru" the Area of operating fires to Sverdlovsk Region makes more than 47 thousand hectares In the territory Sverdlovsk Region for May 7 recorded 70 natural fires with a total area more than 51 thousand hectares. From them operating by midnight on May 8 remained 60 — the area of 47 thousand hectares. In Head department of Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and the Relief of Natural Disasters on Sverdlovsk region declared that the situation managed to be stabilized. Russian information company "URA.Ru" bring latest news about fires into Sverdlovsk Region by the morning on May 8: Fires blaze in territories of 16 city districts. About it reported in Department information policy ...