Sergei Nikolaevich Yuran about 0:0 with "Ural": "Fighting game. I see at children ultraboundary devotion"
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Sergei Nikolaevich Yuran designated fighting a draw "Pari of NN" with "Ural" (0:0) to Soccer championship of Russia "WORLD Russian Premier league". "Fighting game turned out. Took today one point. As they say in a proverb, a chicken on a kernel … Though, of course, always there is a wish to win, especially at home. But the most important that I see ultraboundary devotion at children. Look: Sokolov Artem did not leave from a field, having been traumatized, after all we already made all replacements by this moment. Such acts are worth a lot. The good moment in an ending was at Jaroslaw Mikhaylov, but there the goalkeeper not bad played. I thanked guys for game. We will analyse this match and we will prepare for the following...