Residents of Yaroslavl will see a premiere of the military melodrama "Spreading Wings" with Catherina Shpitsa and Sergei Vitauto Puskepalis

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On May 8 at KION online movie theater the exclusive premiere of the film "Will take place spreading wings". The military melodrama of the director Muzaleva Olga is devoted to history of the fighting woman-pilot Petrova Anna. Leading roles the movie played Catherina Shpitsa, Alexander Gorbatov, Mikhail Konstantinovich Troynik and Sergei Vitauto Puskepalis. 1943. Petrova Anna – the fighting woman-pilot who got a heavy spine injury after the opponent brought down her plane. It returned to the back and works as the leading engineer at aircraft factory where prepare for tests "Krecheta's" new planes. The plant management, without knowing about consequences of its trauma...