05.05.2023 at the deputy chief of Managements Administration office ministry justicesThe Russian Federation onRepublic of Khakassia to Olga Sirotinina the meeting with children of staff of managements] is hel

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05.05.2023 at the deputy chief of Managements Administration office ministry justicesThe Russian Federation onRepublic of Khakassia to Olga Sirotinina the meeting with children of staff of managements, taken part in the stock "My Relative Otchiznu Protected" which is carried out by Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation is held. The purpose of an action is preservation of memory of the Great Patriotic War, youth education in the spirit of patriotism and love for the country, formation at it of interest to destinies native, battling to fascist aggressors, and also those relatives who took part in special military operation in Ukraine. Children took part in the nominations...