The music written on a canvas

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Photo: On April 28 on pre-pati admirers of Dimash talented students of the state academy of Arts Armenia presented to DK Media World the picture mosaic created by them under the name: "Music revival". The composition of the Kazakhstan actor of "Stranger" became a source of their inspiration. At the beginning of April admirers of Dimash from the DDAO organization (Dimash Dears Aid Organization) and DK Media World held a charitable event among students of creative higher education institutions to Armenia. Students received free tickets for Dimash concert in Yerevan, and also opportunity to present the creative works on pre-pati...
Barsegyan Irene
Mkrtchyan Mariyam
Mnatsakanyan Ani
Beglaryan Iana
Asatryan Katrin
Gosudarstvennaya conservatory