periodical e-edition "Novaya gazeta" told about founded in France awards of a name  Anna Politkovskaya

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Ministry Europe and foreign affairs of French Republic founded an award of a name  Anna Politkovskaya for journalistic courage, "The new newspaper" reported periodical e-edition "Novaya gazeta" Katrin Kolonna and the editor-in-chief periodical e-edition "Novaya gazeta" Dimitri Muratov. Award will award to journalists who work in the conditions of war, crisis or destabilization, specified the edition. For the first time an award can hand over in November, 2023 during annual Parisian forum of the world, notes "Nezavisimaya gazeta". The winner will be chosen by jury which part children  Anna Politkovskaya — Belief and Ilya, the representative "Reporters will be...