Bilyaletdinov Zinetula won from defeat in a cup-final of Gagarin. It it is necessary to train "Ak Bars" still at least a season

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Photo: Having remained without Gagarin's Cup, "Ak Bars", probably, presented to the head coach something bigger, than a victory – motivation to continue to work. Otherwise 68-year-old Bilyaletdinov Zinetula precisely would leave. Smile on a dead-pan Bilyaletdinov Zinetula blissed out from this season. Even having lost a decisive match of the final, did not plunge into despondency. Laughed, "ruchkayas" with the head of FHR Wladyslaw Aleksandrovich Tretyak on delivery of silver medals of the championship Russian Federation. Did not long, communicating with journalists. Having voluntary stayed three years without work, it, the trainer with a dead-pan on a bench, apparently, realized that hockey –...