"Ay-yay-yay". Big "cleaning of elite" to Russian Federation began. As well as Mikhail Khazin] promise

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The economist Mikhail Khazin on air of Tsargrad repeatedly said that elite cannot reconcile to changes to Russian Federation after SVO beginning in any way and very much all would like "to return backwards". However not to stop big cleaning any more. The economist Mikhail Khazin reminded this main thesis after messages that Lefortovsky district court of Moscow arrested the rector "BABT OF MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" Sergei Germanovich Sinelnikov-Murylev on the case of fraud. Mikhail Khazin gave the supershort comment: Ay-yay-yay, the faithful deputy Yegor Gaydar as the hand was raised. And told returns us by times when the similar detention would be...