Paradox of Normans: reckless adventurers and prudent statesmen

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Giuseppe Patania. Reproduced in "Les Normands en Sicile", Antonino Buttitta Rozher I and Robert Gviskar accept at Arabs keys of Palermo throughout all history of mankind development navigation steadily was accompanied by parallel development a sea piracy. Probably, there are no people living on the sea or ocean coast which would not keep memory of the fearless and ruthless robbers terrorizing trade vessels and civilians in the legends and bylinas. In sea robbery Greeks and Phoenicians, Arabs and Turks, Japanese and Malayans at various times traded. Not...
Charles Philipp Arthur George (Carl III)
Last position: King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Beskostny Ingvar
Surovy Kharold
Mary Gay
Christopher Columbus