Chanel and Dior revenue to Russian Federation fell more than to 70%

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The volume of sales in a segment of luxury brands fell to Russian Federation, Dior, Prada, Tiffany, Bvlgari, Fendi, Hugo Boss and others closed the shops to Russian Federation in March of last year. About it reported daily business newspaper "RBK daily" with reference to reportings the Russian affiliated companies. For example, the revenue of Chanel fell in a year to 75,6% — to 4,5 billion rubles. The brand received a loss in 1,8 billion rubles against profit of 1,7 billion rubles in 2021 of Dior against decrease in revenue for 76,1% — to 2 billion rubles — received a loss of 1,3 billion rubles against profit of 1,4 billion rubles year before. Prada lowered revenue on...
Chanel S. A
Main activity:Textile and sewing production
Main activity:Wholesale trade