The club of young voters of ChKI HANDS took part in the stock "Selective Dictation"

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On April 26 in the territory of all municipal and city districts Chuvash Republic there passed the educational stock "Selective Dictation" organized by the Central Election Commission Chuvash Republic. In Cheboksary as a platform for carrying out a dictation CHGPU NAMED AFTER I. YA. YAKOVLEVA, CHUVASH STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER I. YA. YAKOVLEVA acted within the walls of whom this day more than one hundred students of higher education institutions, ssuzov and studying senior classes of educational institutions of the city gathered. From Cheboksary cooperative institutes students of law department of ChKI HANDS Nikolaeva Leah, Sachkova Nadezhda and Misyakov Bogdan. Children are...