The king United Kingdom Korol Charles III opened a scene "Eurovision — 2023" in Liverpool

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The king United Kingdom Korol Charles III and the queen-konsort Camilla solemnly opened a scene "Eurovision — 2023" in Liverpool. About it reports Yezhednevnaya gazeta The Daily Mirror. On Wednesday, April 26, the monarchical couple lit fires on the main scene of M%26S Bank Arena in Liverpool where from May 9 to May 13 will pass the international song competition. The British governor and his spouse also greeted leaders "Eurovision — 2023": Ukrainian singer Julia Golovan, comedian Norton Graham, actress Hannah Ueddingem and performer Dikson Alisha. United Kingdom will accept Eurovision for the first time in 25 years. Last time international song competition...
Charles Philipp Arthur George (Carl III)
Last position: King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Julia Golovan (Julia Sanina)
Last position: Singer, actress
Norton Graham
Dikson Alisha